new cv 2019
Just another web 3.0 blog :: Chamb or Ca M

--- Frak This ! ---

You could write a small program that would execute a "show process list" every 30 seconds and if that user has a Select query running for more than 30 seconds, just have the program execute a Kill command. I know it's not as much fun as using a Taser, but you won't have to get up out of your chair to zap him . Main Consequence is to wrap all mysql connection through a function, which look at the query time to execute, foreach query that exceed 2 sec. It's wisely recommanded to show the processlist and kill all tasks which have been running for 10 sec. At least this'll save you from Major DoS on your server, as mysql is looked, no ssh, nor ftp are available for reboot, as long as all the ressources are consumed.

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