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--- Racetrack bismuth framework php ---

Racetrack bismuth framework php Performant, Flexible, Portable & Highly Customizable !! Fruit of 7 Years of continuous development
  • Comes along with a CMS and website "skeletton" architecture, Rewriting for content pages
  • Sliders, Contents, Photo Album, Configuration + user Files Administration & Handling
  • Easy & Fast to administrate + Inline edition : Array of configuration "" + Reverse Eval Functions
  • Error Logging & Handling + Clever Shutdown functions
  • Comes with modules such as : banning according to regular expressions, performance benchmark, per file custom configuration, behaviour modifier, 301 redirects handler, apc storing, cache handler
  • Seo & Reporting
  • Performance Benchmarks & cache
  • Compactible with other frameworks
  • Extensive debugging methods, no mazy classes !
  • PHP,sql,js & css + sqlite interface ( very usefull for mutualized servers website development ) Inspired by common sense, my work, my physics studies, environment, travels, several jobs, companies, HR people, raspberry pi friends & ennemies

  • Developpeur php Geneve - php - rando - trip - india - web - php - dev - eco - science - astro - shop - annecy