new cv 2019
Just another web 3.0 blog :: php : &reference bug or A41 Bouchon Cruseille Annecy Geneve

--- Website checklist ---

1) Has backups ( source, sql, medias, static files ) ? 2) Version Control ? 3) Portable ? Minimum dependencies ? Easy To Migrate settings ? 4) Mysql crash proof ? 5) Redis crash proof ? 6) Has a failsafe ? Failover ? 7) Has a developer logs && maintenance logs 8) Optimized queries, cache, 304, cdn 9) Elastic Ip adress or short TTL domain name ( in case main server has no failover and needs to be switched .. ) chown 33:33 -R .;#www-data ( apache or nginx user ) find . -type d -exec chmod 775 {} ; find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} ; - Avoids spending 70% time switching files && environments - Avoids spending 25% time with phpmyadmin in prod environment - Avoids spending 15% time reviewing log files Using Frontcontroller : assume .php files can't be accessed directly by their respective urls ( frontcontroller defines FRONTCONTROLLER ), if(!defined('FRONTCONTROLLER'))die; Frontcontroller for 404 : send 200 headers if ressource matches a route

Developpeur php Geneve - php - rando - trip - india - web - php - dev - eco - science - astro - shop - annecy