new cv 2019
Just another web 3.0 blog :: prev - next

--- benevolent climate change actions ---

If you ever are a benevolent person and found this page .. with the will to support my non-profit environment / climat change / humanitarian actions .. Like buying parcels of the rainforest in order to protecting it .. which is the best climate change protective action ROI, which could be achieved with 1/1000 of Jeff Besos / Elon musk wealth and might buy us more years before the collapse .. Let's say the good start for a foundation would be either to contact me and gather some fundings for the NPO ..
Here is my Bitcoin wallet for donations : Fund climate change actions bitcoin:bc1qzazhnlx8n40mand5gztphy3yxpdlf6rxzzq9kp

--- Playlist ---

Sorry if It's not ordered yet :: Nb: most of my discoveries comes from the 181.FM chilled out playlist, albeit I've allready got most of these songs < 2015 in my playlist Shungudzo - It's a good day

Developpeur php Geneve - php - rando - trip - india - web - php - dev - eco - science - astro - shop - annecy - bitcoin - climate - npo - besos - musk - benevolence - - playlist - bio - ben