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--- July 2016 >> Fast Forward || Life.Resume() ? ---

Long time not posted here .. since 2009, back at the time where I had zilion of things tio say .. as I did move lots of photographs during the last year to flickr, some people were asking for them so this is a real economy of time for me , thus #work : found some security issue in Magento, cleaned the server from several hacks, just finished the invoices generating module ( querying sage mssql database ) -> then generates nice printables pdf ( took me lot of Brain / Hour units ) so I'll catch up with telling my life to strangers on the web, anyways, I don't care, gotta head for the lake soon, meet some friends, take a swim, and fly away :) Besides .. some links and articles for the week : .. Small energy resume | Alptech

--- 9 layers php cache for high performance websites ---

The way of optimizing most PHP Websites are pretty simple & don't require any expensive webserver to run heavy load applications. ( quiet a long time since I haven't written anything here, becuz I've just never had the time at all ... ) The first places to look for any optimizations are obvioulsy within the mysql queries & php code : as for year 2008, this blog upon a collocation host, took more than 83 sec to generate a page as 4 users online .. First step : implement a timer & debug functions ( as registered shutdown functions ) within your code & log them !! Here is the 9 layers PHP cache I've setup this far : 1 : Mysql results cache & mysql inner cache & mysql indexes **** 2 : Full page html cache expires in future + binded with 304 handler ( with inner codes to invalidate data from separate block suppressed with grep upon cron ) ***** ( you won't see them performing better if you put them in ram .. as the page's output will take the more time here .. that's why 304 has to be implemented here ) 3 : Opcode cache ( newer php version are faster, indeed )** 4 : JSON serialized data arrays served with 304 headers whetever or not the data has been modified ( upon invalidation ) *** 5 : Array based file cache in Ram ( includes redis, memcache ) *** 6 : Individual static html files cache for individual blocks 7 : 304 headers using browser own cache **** 8 : Reverse-proxy : consider using a cdn is the same effect here 9 : Cdn : cloudflare Then I'll demystify some legends : - Well configured apache performs better than NGINX ( AllowOverride Off, logging static files .. ) - Amazon t2.micro instance aren't so expensive after all and are quite fast !
Posts : July 2016 >> Fast Forward || Life.Resume() ? - 9 layers php cache for high performance websites - Climate change actions - FFmpeg group files by encoding - Boubioz : la source la plus profonde du lac Annecy - Alpow - Arcalod sunrise - benevolent climate change actions - bitcoin - Playlist - Bitcoin is gold - Montagne de Bange. Arith. Mariet - Geoengineering Solutions for Fighting Global Warming - Alp Web Studio - Littérature, lectures et repères générationels - Docker Alpine Php Fpm Apache Mysql Selenium Chrome Standalon - Photography Tips - Fake News - Thorium - Europa Unite - Suunto Spartan - sans lendemain - Energies petrole uranium hydro comparaison formules - Epson Ecotank - Annecy vue aérienne Albigny - Any colour you like - Css sprites dynamic updates - India Trip #2 - martinique dolphins - India Trip #1 - India Trip Rajasthan#4 Khuri - BCE revenu universel economie - about:world news - phpoo++ notfound classes - PCRE php regex - Any brighter day yet - Back office developer Annecy - engineering gifs - webcam annecy haute savoie - the martian - mobius cam fpv oven solder - programme politique pragmatique - réveil de la france - web development agencies thing ive seen - hydravion fpv albigny - php 200 ok blank page bug - Website checklist - Solutions for global warming - exoplanet map - 9 layers php cache for high performance websites - Lost my Faith - Ces gens que l'on aime vraiment - les merveilles d'internet - photos montagnes haute savoie - Itoura Moussongo : Steph - offre emploi développeur php genève - aurora borealis - Auroraes & ISS - american west trip - Design patterns - php : &reference bug - php7 - arnaque téléphonique 0899961714 surtaxée - avener fade out lines - Suggestion sites recherche emploi - suisse - opposition centriste - politic : fausses promesses - Histoire commune de la savoie et suisse romande - arrondissements lyon - windows font marlett issue on update - alternative - anti-matrix weapons - trente-douze - Super Backup Pro - politique fiction - sugarsync & cloud en ligne : ransomware ? - mythes & complots - best alternative to sugarsync - tabbed ultra search - Better Windows 8 - sunlight - people pay taxes - The more you expect - Supprimer billets 200€ et 500€ - jours les plus cours de l'ann - Olympus TG 620 firmware hack - frameworks - flat php vs classes - croire - theology.. - egoistic ? - convictions politiques - astrogrep - Racetrack returns ! - Blameworthy - supercondensateurs - SSD application idea - Old application are better - Racetrack bismuth framework php - Surconsommation - Peace & Progress - viadeo linkedin - css3 background opacity & gradient for ie - de tous les temps - facebook - retirer liste amis - got ist tot - Politique fiction - confiance en l'avenir - et bien - Cumul des mandats - ssd msata crucial 128go - apple : cupidit - france tourisme - php function Array depth - l'histoire n'est qu'un vaste gachis - Si j'avais de l'argent et du pouvoir - Utopie Politique - Disque dur 7200 tours pas cher - prime chauffage s - BCE Goldman Sachs - grooveshark download - adrian kenyon - grooveshark download music - lat 46 long 6 - primitifs - perdre - 37200 sms le bon coin - Galaxy Note : S-pen - redevance tv radio suisse - serveur sql ssd - i do think windows 8 is shit - P+R bernex 12chf - lenovo - Sugarsync : partage de fichiers en ligne - je m'abstiens - cheminade - histoire de la suisse : 2nde guerre mondiale - elysian fields annecy - Monsieur Mou Monster Show - sarkozy instrumentalisation - mesonges sarkozy -

Developpeur php Geneve - php - rando - trip - india - web - php - dev - eco - science - astro - shop - annecy